Service guide
- CrN coating
Corrosion resistancereleasablityLubricity/slidability/low frictionCold pressCold forgingPunching dieAparture moldPress fitting diesSUSprocessing moldPunch pinAutomotive partsIndustrial machine partsLow voltage partsFilm types of PVD coating
This is the standard for chrome coating and has excellent adhesion resistance, corrosion resistance, and slidability. The component elements are stable and may be used as a base for other coatings to prevent corrosion.
- TiAln coating
Wear resistanceHeat resistance/oxidation resisitanceLubricity/slidability/low frictionCold pressCold forgingPunching dieAparture moldPress fitting diesSUSprocessing moldCutting toolHigh-speed cutting toolCarbide cutting toolCarbide toolPunch pinDie castingTrimming diesFilm types of PVD coating
By adding Al to TiN is coated with improved more abrasion resistance and heat resistance. When operating temperature exceeds 700℃, the Al component and oxygen are combined by frictional heat, and strong Al2O3 is generated on the outermost layer, contributing to further improvement of the lifetime.
- ZEROⅠcoating
Wear resistanceHeat resistance/oxidation resisitanceCorrosion resistanceCold pressCold forgingPunching dieAparture moldPress fitting diesSUSprocessing moldCarbide toolPunch pinDie castingTrimming diesFilm types of PVD coating
Developed newly ZERO-I ( Zero One) coating from the existing PVD Coating for higher hardness, heat resistance and lubricity . Superior wear resistance contributes to longer life.