Service guide
- TiN coating
Lubricity/slidability/low frictionAluminium moldCutting toolCarbide cutting toolAutomotive partsIndustrial machine partsLow voltage partsDecorationFilm types of PVD coating
As a standard for titanium coating, it is widely used for cutting tools such as drills and cutters, and decorations. It is also suitable for die molds with tight dimensional tolerances.
- DLC coating
Wear resistancereleasablityLubricity/slidability/low frictionCutting toolAluminium cutting toolPunch pinAutomotive partsIndustrial machine partsLow voltage partsDecorationFilm types of PVD coating
Diamond-Like Carbon as named, with a carbon film having the properties such as diamond, other metal elements based PVD and has a different nature.
- CrN coating
Corrosion resistancereleasablityLubricity/slidability/low frictionCold pressCold forgingPunching dieAparture moldPress fitting diesSUSprocessing moldPunch pinAutomotive partsIndustrial machine partsLow voltage partsFilm types of PVD coating
This is the standard for chrome coating and has excellent adhesion resistance, corrosion resistance, and slidability. The component elements are stable and may be used as a base for other coatings to prevent corrosion.