
Company Information

Company Name SEAVAC,INC.
Founded on 2/7 in 1949
Established on 9/12 in 1958
Business Location Head Office Plant
1-12-6 Minamishinmachi, Kuise, Amagasaki City, Hyogo 660-0822, Japan
General affairs Tel: +81-6-6488-1501Fax:+81-6-6488-2476Coating
Tel: +81-6-6488-1505Fax:+81-6-6488-5777
Kyoto Plant
68 Ichida Shintamaki, Kumiyama-cho, Kuze-gun, Kyoto 613-0022, Japan
General affairsTel: +81-774-43-4290 Fax: +81-774-43-6607Fax: +81-774-43-4933Manufacturing
Tel: +81-774-41-2421Fax: +81-774-41-3705
Komaki Plant
2-38 Ichinokuta, Komaki-city, Aichi 485-0034, Japan
Tel: +81-568-75-3001
Fax: +81-568-75-3205
Sendai Plant
236-5 Aza-Kayakariba, Ohira, Ohira-mura, Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi 981-3602, Japan
Tel: +81-22-344-1077
Fax: +81-22-344-1088
Kyushu Sales Office
1531-1 Komono, Koga-city, Fukuoka 811-3122, Japan
Tel: +81-92-410-8277
Member of the Board President & CEO
Hiroyuki Shimizu

Yasumasa Kinoshita
Mamoru Goto
Ai Tateda
Capital 63 million yen
Fiscal term March 31
Affiliate Subsidiary SEAVAC

(USA) L.L.C.
9304 Yeager Lane, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46809 USA
TEL : +1 260-747-7123FAX : +1 260-747-7124
Member Organizations Kansai Economic Federation , The Japan Society for Die and Mold Technology,
Amagasaki Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Amagasaki Industrial Association,
Japan Industrial Furnace Manufacturers Association,
Osaka Association of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises - Osaka East Branch,
Chubu Carbide Association,Kansai Carbide Industrial Association,
Japan Cutting & Wear-resistant Tool Association,
The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity

Business Operations

Vacumn heat treatment, Contract processing of hard thin film processing
Manufacture and sales of PVD processing equipment

Coating processing department Vacumn heat treatment
Physical vapor deposition
Base reinforcement treatment(WPC,Nitriding),lapping
Manufacture Film coating device Sales of PVD processing equipment